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Dynamic Business Modelling Essentials
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Welcome to the course
Why use Dynamic Business Models (DBMs)?
Tell us about yourself
How you will learn
Silico software and UPDATES
The class topics and AgileSD method
Performance-over-time and simple calculations
Video 1a: (13 min) Starting the restaurant model
Video 1b (12 min) Calculating sales and profits for the restaurant start-up
The factors driving performance outcomes
Video 2a (16 min) How Customers drive restaurant sales growth and how staff drive service capacity and staff costs
Video 2b (13 min) Non-financial indicators, functions and look-up relationships
How "Flows" make Stocks grow or decline
Video 3a (8 min) How Flows fill and drain Stocks.
Video 3b (6 min) Where flows come from and go to
Interdependence, feedback and the core system
Video 4a (14 min) Interdependence and feedback
Video 4b (10 min) The Restaurant Strategic Architecture model
From spreadsheet to dynamic model
Dynamic models -v- process mapping
Recap and upgrade to the full course
Refund on upgrade to the Full course
End-of-course survey (ignore any questions that are not relevant)
The full Core course and Extensions
More resources from Strategy Dynamics
Introduction and things you need to know
Welcome to the course
Why use Dynamic Business Models (DBMs)?
Tell us about yourself
How you will learn
Silico software and UPDATES
The class topics and AgileSD method
Class 1: Grow restaurant sales and profits
Performance-over-time and simple calculations
Video 1a: (13 min) Starting the restaurant model
Video 1b (12 min) Calculating sales and profits for the restaurant start-up
Class 2: Customers drive sales - staff drive costs
The factors driving performance outcomes
Video 2a (16 min) How Customers drive restaurant sales growth and how staff drive service capacity and staff costs
Video 2b (13 min) Non-financial indicators, functions and look-up relationships
Class 3: Why customers are won and lost
How "Flows" make Stocks grow or decline
Video 3a (8 min) How Flows fill and drain Stocks.
Video 3b (6 min) Where flows come from and go to
Class 4: How customers, menu and staff work together to drive sales and profits
Interdependence, feedback and the core system
Video 4a (14 min) Interdependence and feedback
Video 4b (10 min) The Restaurant Strategic Architecture model
Bonus items
From spreadsheet to dynamic model
Dynamic models -v- process mapping
Course wrap-up and next steps
Recap and upgrade to the full course
Refund on upgrade to the Full course
End-of-course survey (ignore any questions that are not relevant)
The full Core course and Extensions
More resources from Strategy Dynamics
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